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How to Buy an Amateur Horse:

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A High Plains Dressage Presentation by Jessica Greenstein and Joseph Newcomb. By Sally O’Dwyer “Our sport can be frustrating due to the expense. Remember that as out of reach it may feel at times, the essence of dressage is about training–which can be performed on any horse of varying quality. Is it wonderful to ride [more]

RMDS AA Clinic

Published in Events, News, RMDS, Uncategorized

USDF RMDS Adult Amateur Clinic with Bill McMullin April 17-18, 2021 Sponsored in part by United States Dressage Federation and Rocky Mountain Dressage Society, we are proud to offer a 2-day clinic with Bill McMullin for Adult Amateurs at Faith Farms in Castle Rock, Colorado. Bill is a USDF Bronze, Silver & Gold Medalist from [more]

RMDS Technical Delegate Training

Published in Articles, Events, News, RMDS

March 20, 20211:00 pm – 4:30 pm Technical Delegate Training with Heather Petersen via a Zoom session. Excellent opportunity to learn current and new requirements for 2021! You don’t need to be a technical delegate to participate, there are so many things to learn for all interested in competing. For More Information, click here.

RMDS Website Membership Information

Published in Articles

By now everyone has likely seen and or used the new Rocky Mountain Dressage Society (RMDS) website.  Here are a few tips to ensure that your membership is accurate, that you are accumulating the scores that you need to compete for championships and year-end awards, and that you are connected to your desired local chapter.. [more]

Five Ways to Win in Dressage Competition

Published in Articles, RMDS

By Sally O’Dwyer, Dressage Amateur  “Winning and losing isn’t everything; sometimes, the journey is just as important as the outcome.” – Alex Morgan Winning means success, offering fulfillment and validation of our riding. Winning motivates us to improve and helps us to move beyond ourselves, which is thrilling. Competition is a great way to measure [more]

RMDS Professionals’ Symposium

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Featuring Lilo Fore: April 24-25, 2021 at Tomora Training Center, Greeley, Colorado. Lilo Fore hardly needs an introduction to the Dressage community! She is the Judge everyone wants to ride for.  Her scores make and comments give you exactly the information you need to improve. As a Clinician who is always in demand, she has [more]


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Because we’re unable to have our 2020 Awards Banquet, we missed our silent auction too. And this is a year when income was down (few shows) and expenses were up (web site and database)  So the Boulder Valley chapter is hosting an online auction to benefit RMDS. Please consider donating an item to the auction! It’s [more]

New RMDS Website!

Published in Events, News, RMDS

IT’S HERE! RMDS IS EXCITED TO ANNOUNCE THE LAUNCH OF THE NEW RMDS WEBSITE AND DATABASE PLATFORM  Sign in following the instructions found in the attached manuals.  If you have any problems, please contact the RMDS Central Office immediately so the problem can be resolved. How to Log In Manual User Account Training Manual